Sunday 3 July 2011

Oh boy today was a day

Hey yall,
So last time we spoke, I was about to get a massage. It was really good and I got some of the knots out. So then we got lunch. Let me tell you about this instant "itis" I got. This meal consisted of rice, mac and cheese, potato salad, callilu "American equivalent or artichoke or spinach"  and chicken. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. I know I am an athlete but gosh. So I ate half of it and I went to study at 1:00pm to study until 3. I was reading and then I don't know what happened I heard a bang on my door saying that we were leaving for practice. I don't know what was in that food but I was T.K.O. Then we had practice and everybody was on time today because we did not want to run like we did yesterday. Unfortunately our punctuality did not matter because our new trainer Ronald, who is also our massage therapist, he did our warm up. Warm up is an understatement. We did indian runs, sprints, every stretch known to man, and laps around the gym. Warm up was a burn up but it is getting me prepared for the tournament and for college. So we worked on post moves today and I got my nickname Big T cause I was killing them in the post. I try to tell people I am 6 '2 but they don't believe. Jo called me 4 '12. Anyway we had a good practice and our assistant coach hoped in to help out. P still got a J lol (cocoa got Jayed). So we got fed more bread and whatever for dinner. So many carbs!!!! Its ok as long as I'm fed its whatever. Then we came back to the room and tomorrow we have a day off so that means study, sleep, and eat all day tomorrow. Can't wait. Until next time live, love, laugh.

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