Friday 8 July 2011

Not looking good

Hey yall,
It was Thursday, and my passport debacle continues. So the paper work that I was told to get by the boss finally came, BY PLANE, so I am under the assumption that I am finally going to get my passport. We have had two a day practices all week so I went to my morning practice. It went well but we were rushed to go take head shot pictures for something. We have no idea where to get these pictures were just told to go walk out into chaguanas Indian town and find a place that takes head shots for $20. We just had a long practice, it was hot, and people are not in a great mood. We find somewhere and we need the pictures on a jump drive. Here is the conversation:
Jo: Do you sell jump-drives
Sales Lady: Yes we do
Jo: Can you put our pictures on it? (The machine that people use at CVS or Walgreens to get pictures is right next to the lady)
Sales Lady: No we can't
Jo: Why not?
Sales Lady: We don't know how to re-adjust the size
Clearly she should not be working in this establishment. So we had to walk three other places and we finally found a place. We took our pictures and I had to walk back to the gym to meet my coach who was going to take me to the passport place. All I have is basketball shorts and a shirt and as y'all already know these people are slightly homophobic. Before I get into the passport place, I have to make copies of all my documents. There is a store across the street that has a copy machine but apparently men don't use copy machines in Trinidad. The women work the stores in the morning and in the afternoon the men work the counter. So I walk into the store and they tell me that the machine is down. This happened to me four times in a three block radius of the passport office, in the poring rain. So I walk pass the first store where the man told me that his machine was broken and I see him let his friend use the "broken" machine (fuckery). So I walk my soaking wet ass inside, conversation:
me: Can I make a copy with your machine?
man: no it's broken remember
me: But I just saw you let your friend use it
man: (kisses his teeth) Fine
This is after a hour of searching. These people are so lucky my momma taught me manners cause I wanted to cuss two bad word in that place. So I get inside to see the an officer and we sit down and she looks at me with disdain of course. Conversation:
woman: (she looks over my paper work) When did your father get his nationalization certificate, when did he become a united states citizen
me: I don't know
woman: Why don't you know?
me: It was before I was born
woman: When do think it was?
me: Maybe mid 80's to early 90's some where in there
woman: Oh well if it was before 1988 you are not eligible to be trinidadian by descent.
me: So how am I suppose to find this information?
woman: Your father should have it and we need the original copy mailed here.
So no one else got asked for this information but me. My family and I are trying to get things in order because I don't get this information I can not go on the trip and I have to come home.

Today, Friday the whatever (I have lost all concept of time in this place) we were suppose to have morning practice and then go to the beach, yayy!!!. Morning practice went well but of course there is a thunderstorm. So I am in the hotel and about to start studying or sleeping or both. I have perfected the art of study sleeping. Anyway, until next time live, love, laugh, and eat good food, this too is essential. 

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