Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 5: Catch up

Well I finally made blog. I got the idea from Meghan. Since I am five days late I will give a summary of what has taken place so far. On Day 1, I arrived in Trinidad and Tobago and Buda, one of our managers, picked me up from the airport and it was raining. It rains every single day in Trinidad. We drove straight from the airport to the gym for my first practice. Unfortunately, we arrived too late and practice was already over. On the flip side, dinner was being served and we had bake and salt fish. OMG it was delicious. Salt fish and anything is my favorite dish so as you can imagine I was thrilled. There I met the foreign girls, aka the Americans because we live in a hotel together and the locals just go home. I met shaq, white cocoa, vanilla dip, melissa, and joe. These are all nicknames of course and I haven't received one yet but I am sure it will be creative. My teammates are so funny. We all get along really well. I am the youngest, of course so I get last pick on everything.
Day 2: We had practice at 8:00 am in the hottest gym on the planet. Seriously, I thought I lost all my water weight. The practices are tough but fun and my teammates helped me out a lot and got me up to speed on the plays. The head coach is Puerto Rican and I used some of my espanol skills and he was very impressed. Thank you Rollins and Mrs. Bay. Our assistant coach Peitra, aka.P, is so funny but she also makes sure we stay in line. Once practice was over we went back to the hotel and relaxed. My roommate left me by myself to go see family so shaq, white cocoa, and I went on an adventure. Two things about Trinidad: It rains every two to three hours and every store closes after 4:30. We left the hotel at 4 without knowing this and once we got to the downtown area everything began closing. And it began to rain so we were stuck in the market. We do not have a driver all the time so we walk to practice when we are practicing at the close gym and we walk to the market and downtown. I am a lesbian and I wear masculine clothes so going out in cargo's, tank, blazers, and yankee hat, I was a little nervous but everyone was really nice and never really bothered me.
Day 3: We had practice at 9:00am at U.W.I, a university in Trinidad, and there was a/c (thank you lord). We had a good practice and I got to know the local players a bit better, like Tova, Anola,  Nola, the Anikas, and Chanel. After practice, I just came home and studied for the rest of the day. Then roomie, vanilla dip aka London aka Miriam, and I watched Jump the Broom. It was good movie and a good time. Then we went over to shaq and white cocoa's room to have movie night. We were going to watch For Colored Girls, but it was a fail because of technical difficulties.
Day 4: Yesterday, I studied until practice started at 5:00pm. I keep mentioning study and I haven't told you guys what I am studying for. I am studying for the MCAT because I am going to be a junior in college preparing for medical school. We had a bad practice because everybody was late and coach was pissed so we ran a majority of the practice. Got to come focused and take my game to the next level.
Day 5: Well today, at 10:23 am roomie and I are up waiting for our massage therapist to come and give us a massage. He was suppose to be here at 9:00am. In the Caribbean, everybody is never on time. Oh he is here now. Well I hope your all caught up so until next time, live, love, laugh.

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